Blockchain projects by Artdictators Blockchain projects by Artdictators


We are designers-enthusiasts of blockchain projects.

Curation net­work site

The Cura­tion network is a show­case of the decent­ra­li­zed Inter­net. Here eve­ry­one will find answers to the ques­ti­ons: “What can I do with block­chain?”, “What is the best Ethe­reum wallet for Andr­oid?” or “Which private blockchain I should use?”

July–August 2018

«Smartz» is a platform and a marketplace of smart contracts constructor. We have integrated into the client's team. We have designed MVP- and alpha-version of the platform. We have designed the logo, the brand identity, landings, social media platforms, prepared graphics for publications. In general, we set up a design department in the «Smartz» team.

landing page

Criptopago landing page

The ser­vice con­nects both crypto­cur­rency and fiat money. It allows buyers to pay for goods and ser­vices with crypto­cur­rency and allows busi­ness owners to receive money to the plas­tic in any cur­rency.

November 2017 – January 2018

iClub site

iClub site

iClub allows par­tici­pa­ting jointly in pre­sales and private sales of pro­jects at the ICO stage. The web­site tells about service, informs on future and shows the sta­tuses of the cur­rent sales.

November 2017 – January 2018

Contact us if you need a design for a blockchain project.